Tuesday, February 26, 2013


     Though there's nothing new under the sun
     still, I'll sing
     just as the original dreamer 
     told me to do

     Though there's no place like home
     still, I'll hold hands with a rusty man 
     and go nowhere with him
     if he longs to sing
     that's nothing new

     Though I'm beyond saving
     still, I will not be quiet
     or save my breath
     or be less
     Though the doors do not open
     though I stand here 
     in a wild fury
     knowing you are no longer within
     still, I'll sing

Friday, February 22, 2013


     It isn’t funny 
     You don’t belong in the house
     Don’t get comfortable

     What do they feed you?
     Envy’s leaves and sorrow’s root?
     Rancor’s meager blood?

     Here’s a true feast then
     Whole heart, witnessing eyes
     Open throat, love's sighs

     What are you craving?
     My fresh tears in a teaspoon?
     Why are you dying?

     Hungry old dreamer
     Darken my door again and
     I’ll make you suffer

Friday, February 8, 2013


Hi    It matters because   error is anathema to me--yea a veritable abomination--to wax biblical.

We should strive for correctness---else  sloppy thinking will prevail and lead to bad habits, not easily corrected.

There, that's my diatribe

Cheers    arthur