Tuesday, March 26, 2013


     I am dreaming of my keeper’s brother
     that our hands will fit together
     that nothing needs to be said
     he knows my story

     dreams are such stuff as we are made on

     today I am a traveler
     not remembering the way I came
     far from the one who would lead me home

     my keeper
     dark clouds have been gathering
     I didn’t see them

     my brother
     when I look behind
     three crows stare back at me

     the canny one speaks my name  
     but nothing echoes in this place

     there are statues where we used to live

     some duty’s been forgotten
     someone’s been missing too long

     what am I?
     if not my brother’s keeper

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


     be docile now
     each thorn blunted
     means I’m in charge
     for now
     I’m in charge of this one

  even so it’s squirmy
  unsuited to submission
  I can’t get hold of every claw

  it hisses and it still has teeth
  it hides with its wounds and snarls
  in a crawl space
  it disturbs my sleep

     I admit there’s a fierce unrest in me
     that won’t stay put
     won’t understand that you mean well
     won’t relax in your arms
     like it wants to
     though you've given so much
     and doesn’t really trust you at all

Friday, March 15, 2013


a cabaret
but a dream
a bowl of cherries
a highway
not a fairy tale
worth living