Monday, June 11, 2012

Hula Hoop

The hula hoop is my dynamic medicine shield.  It revolves while I evolve.  I’m dislodging  stunting or combative energies within myself, and liberating the good, kind and loving soul I was meant to freely be.  Guidance is abundantly available.  The more focused, active inner work I do, the more I find confirming synchronicity occurring, intuitive nudges appearing in my dreams, people coming into my life who can really help me see, and reminders in the form of situations that appeal to my ineffective energies and patterns.

Inside the circle, I made a space for the energies that I want to nurture and encourage.  These are my meditations, what I pray for:

Respect; self-respect; kindness; encouragement; tribute; faith; generosity; truth; honesty; honor; challenges that create growth; dreams; family; tribe, community; love; friendship; listening; speaking from the heart; practice; creativity; song; dance; work; responsibility; health; nutrition for body and soul; appreciation of beauty; joy.

Outside the circle:

Manipulation; deception; aggression; scapegoating; self-deprecation; dishonesty; abuse; codependency; addiction; depression; grasping for external validation; absorbing contempt; reflecting contempt; adding to confusion or panic; reactionary, fearful thinking; rage; impatience for answers, or “pushing the river”.

If I invite such energy into the circle, and I surely will, I must acknowledge it, pay attention, and listen to the story it wants to tell me. 

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