Friday, July 14, 2017

It's all written down in the book

The caretaker is a warm, nurturing guy who safeguards my interior spaces while I'm gone and warns me away from certain dark subterranean areas when I'm exploring.  Or he might direct me to a certain locker or shelf to retrieve something I need for my travels.  There is always the understanding that he'll water my plants and care for my orphans (a pet or a child) if I'm gone a while, or even if I never return, which is always possible.  He appeared weekly in my dreams last year, less often these days.

The shopkeeper is a very helpful business woman who keeps accurate records of things: she knows the provenance of every item in her shop, and what its value is.  She is young, brunette, buxom and bright, at ease in her role, and literally in charge of gifts.  Her shop is always a gift shop filled with ornate novelties and tiny treasures.  She has helpers, but also many customers.  If things go wrong I can go to her for help, but I'll have to wait my turn like everybody else.
I do a lot of sorting in my dreams.  In this morning's dream I'm absent-mindedly sorting unredeemed, highly valuable gift certificates someone gave me for safe-keeping into a carousel of unpurchased gift certificates at the gift shop.  I'm distraught when I realize my fault, and unable to retrieve most of the certificates from the carousel, as other customers have picked them out.  They're gone.  Mother says disappointedly, "How could you not know this was a priority?"  Husband gives the familiar eyeroll of contemptuous judgment about my lack of focus on what's most important.  Father is silently oh so sad I squandered these precious gifts.  

But my shopkeeper, God bless her.  She recognizes my distress and appears by my side.  "These certificates are just pieces of paper" she says warmly.  "They can't be redeemed by anyone but the intended recipient.  If they're lost, just come up to the counter.  It's all written down in the book."  

I burst into tears of grief and relief.  My shopkeeper, she patiently smiles like Glinda telling Dorothy that she's always had the power to return to Kansas.  

Good dream.




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